About me

Hi I'm Kaitlin, the owner, designer and dreamer behind The Modern Stitch. I've been a stay at home mama since my oldest was born. I made a hard decision to leave the classroom and spend full time raising my babies. Thankful I've been able to be home with them. When I had my last baby, I knew I was ready to begin a new hobby. I just wasn't sure exactly what that would be.
I began praying and the Lord kept laying embroidery on heart. I've been sewing on my great-grandmother's old sewing machine since I was 10. But embroidery was fairly new to me. February 2022, on a whim, I purchased my embroidery machine. I jumped head in and learned everything I possible could. I opened full time in March 2022. I have loved everything about this craft. I've been so blessed by a community that has trusted me this whole process. I love being able to be a small part of your special moments.
-XOXO, Kaitlin
Lets get social follow me over on IG @themodernstitch_